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When the rivers run down from the mountains

When the rivers run down from the mountains,
And the Himalayan winds loose their chill,
On their journey to the south,

When the spring fragrance surrounds my senses,
And when the sun spreads its wings,
When for some unknown reason,
In an unknown manner,
A sudden silence grabs my heart,
A smile shadows my face,
And moves away,

A voice heard somewhere before makes me hear itself,
When the clouds form threads of orange silk in the dusk,
And when I cannot say, but just feel the ache,
And when I just can sit with a cup of tea in my lawn,
When I am hushed by the hiss of the wind,
The afternoon and the tea cups,
I stare in the skies in front of me,
I just stare,
And I know
I then want to be with you !