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Sales Growth


Sales is like oxygen for any organization. Whether its non profit like a university looking for more admissions or a hospital in search for more organizations on its panel, an insurance company reaching out to meet its target or a bank falling short of consumer loans, or a manufacturing assembly line, you need sales to grow.

Our unique training program works on deep pscychology of your sales team as well as gives them outstanding performance monitoring tool to boost sales made by each member. 

You Will Learn:

1. Deep Psychology of Selling:

  • Eliminating limiting beliefs of sales 
  • Transforming personal identities for sales profession
  • Clarifying obstructing values
  • Creating attitude for excellence
  • Emotional and feelings control for handling failures, fatigue and frustration

2. Sales Essentials

  • Understanding essentials of selling overlooked by 90% of sales people
  • The sales process
  • What creates a sales?
  • Sales statistics and motivation
  • Specific Industry sales and practices
  • The most important factor in sales success
 3. Sales Tools
  • The sales monitoring and control charts
  • Scheduling and planning sales
  • Sales calls and handling strangers
  • The “How-Tos” of Product mastery
  • Qualifying and Interviewing
  • Presentations and Closing
  • Sales pitch
  • Handling objections
  • Post sales support
4. Repeat Sales
  • Business goal objectified
  • What comprises “repeat sales?”
  • Quality approach

 5. Personal Excellence In Selling

  • Creating impact
  • Goal setting 
  • Professional integrity
  • Emotional control
  • Confidence enhancement
  • Sales ethics
 Duration: Four (4) hours x 02 days including question answers and short breaks.

For Whom: 

  • Sales professionals and teams particularly 
  • From high demanding industries like Real Estate, Pharma etc. 
  • Sales people of Intangible products like insurance, memberships, university admissions etc.
  • Accountancy, Business and Management Consultants looking for increased sales

 Professional Gains: 

  • Higher volume and significant growth in sales 
  • Outstanding professional approach towards clients
  • Breaking limiting beliefs of the sales force
  • Improved understanding of the sales process resulting into higher sales
  • Attitude of excellence in sales team

Additional Gains:

  • Ability to handle demotivation and down-days 
  • Higher level of personal commitment of sales teams
  • An outstanding cohesion between enterprise goals and  goals of sales team


“An outstanding program covering deep psychology involved in selling to the tactics and operative tools in sales. A sure value for money.”