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Personal Productivity


The concept and philosophy of personal productivity can be explained in one line:  being able to get things done without being over stressed.

 This program focuses to equip participants at increasing Personal Productivity at work, which immediately impacts/ translates into Organizational Productivity.

You Will Learn:

  • How to become totally productive at work
  • Master the art of managing your limited resources: time and energy
  • How to form long lasting habit of productivity?
  • Working style of best leaders
  • Mastering your attention
  • How to have more energy, be more relaxed, have more
  • Clarity and more accomplishment at work?
  • Becoming high performing professional
  • Change the way you organize
  • How to enjoy your 100% presence in a moment?
  • How to develop thinking habits which will protect you from burning out?
  • You will practice a practical profound approach
  • Adaptable methods to any situation, project or nature of work
  • Learn today, apply today, get results today
  • How to stay on top of your schedules?
  • How to be mentally relaxed while at the same time achieving maximum from your day?
  • Be able to make the best choices and decisions at work
  • Stop being victim of endless distractions
  • Mastering focus
  • Learn what to delegate

Duration: Four (4) hours x 02 days including question answers and short breaks.

For Whom:

  • People interested in maximum return on their time and energies spent at work
  • Who want to deliver and complete their projects / assigned tasks with minimum or no stress
  • Anyone feeling overwhelmed by work
  • Those who have to consistently tackle an always increasing “ to do” list
  • People stressed at work and not sure how and when they will be able to relax?
  • Who have been under constant stress since they got their job
  • Those who cannot enjoy their 100% mental presence at anything and anywhere because something else is always on their mind
  • Who have to meet deadlines in a continuously stressful environment

Professional Gains:

  • Improved productivity
  • Mastery at the art of managing your limited resources: time and energy
  • Focus, clarity, attention and accomplishment at work
  • Having more energy while achieving more
  • Developing culture of high performance in the organization
  • Change the way you organize
  • Prevention from burning out
  • Learn today, apply today, get results today
  • Staying on top of your schedules
  • Ability to make the best choices and decisions at work
  • Ending distractions, mastering focus and learn what to delegate

Additional Gains:

  • Better understanding and awareness of personal productivity 
  • Developing habit of personal excellence

 Feedback: “A wonderful training program for personal productivity.”